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    Time to Pay (2012)

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    Time to Pay
    David begins experiencing cloudy memories of a long-lost life, a murderous existence before he moved to America, where an accident took his memory and his sight. Under the wing of Don Michele, he was a chosen of the violent, Sicilian Cortello family...a family he ultimately betrayed. Now fleeing his ruthless New York City mafiosa existence as part of the family overseen by the irrational and explosive Don Federico--his half-brother, unbeknownst to him--David embarks on a journey back to his Italian origins. Enroute on a train, he encounters a mysterious woman, as well as Father Leonard (Danny Glover), who senses that they all have a connection...and that David has a past that weighs heavily on his mind. But the priest has secrets of his own, having long ago murdered the notorious Williams (Steven Bauer). As Don Federico also sets out for Sicily, each of their paths are destined to cross in bloody confrontation, an atonement of long-ago sins.

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    • Carlo Fusco
    • ~ 84 min.
    • Action
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    2.6 / 10 :: 0 Votes
    Genre: Action Thriller
    Executive Producer: Stuart Alson
    Produzent: Carlo Fusco
    Co-Produzent: Cassandra Gava
    Schauspieler: Gabriele Arena  Steven Bauer  Vin Bejleri  Luigi Maria Burruano  Francesco Casisa  Federico Cimò  Veronica D'Agostino  Abraam Fontana  14 weitere
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