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    Blood Sisters (1987)

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    Blood Sisters
    In 1974, a little boy tries to talk a little girl into getting naked for him, which she refuses and calls him a pervert. He then runs home, which happens to be a brothel where several (extremely unattractive) hookers and their johns roam around in the bedrooms. The little boy comes into one room to find his mother with her john, to which he reacts by blasting them both dead with a shotgun. Thirteen years later, a woman named Linda is taking the new pledges for her sorority to the now empty brothel for a scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt in the empty house is to test their maturity and courage, so if they finish the scavenger hunt without chickening out they can be part of the sorority. Once night falls the girls begin seeing apparitions of the dead hookers, and eventually the girls begin getting killed one by one...

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    • Roberta Findlay
    • ~ 86 min.
    • Horror
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    3 / 10 :: 0 Votes
    Genre: Horror Thriller
    Produzent: Walter E. Sear
    MPAA: R
    Schauspieler: Amy Brentano  Shannon McMahon  Dan Erickson  Marla Machart  Elizabeth Rose  Cjerste Thor  Patricia Finneran  Gretchen Kingsley  14 weitere
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